Let’s understand what happens during the surgery. In the procedure, incisions are made in the natural folds of the eyelid by best surgeon. The incisions are made in the natural fold of the eyelid that is in the crease of the upper eyelid and just beneath the lashes or behind the lower eyelid. This is the way to ensure that the incisions are virtually unnoticeable after they have healed. Surgeon makes precise markings in order to position where excess skin and fat pads need to be removed. There might be need when some underlying muscle also may be removed. Surgical instruments such as scalpels, surgical scissors, radio-frequency cutting devices and sometimes cutting lasers are used to remove these tissues. And once it is done, surgeon applies sutures or tissue adhesives carefully to smooth and reconfigure areas around the eyebrows and eyelids. After the procedure, topical antibiotic ointment will be applied.
There are some precautions suggested by eye-surgeon that patients must follow. To reduce the swelling and bruising patient may be suggested to apply cold packs each hour for about 10 to 15 minutes at a time. This might be suggested by eye-surgeon to follow for few more days, forpatient’sgood only. Expert may instruct patient about what pain medication to take, if needed. Patients can experience mild discomfort during the immediate recovery period. The side effects and the areas treated may take a few weeks to be healed. All the suggestions and instructions are given eye-surgeon depending on patient’s condition.