Monday 7 July 2014

Cosmetic surgery for all your skin problems

Good looks are not a matter of concern if you know what you can do to get rid of the facial problems. There is no need to feel under the cloud because of this reason or to even think that there is no hope for you. Simple problems such as damage to the skin because of exposure to the sun, appearance of fine lines or wrinkles on the surface of the skin or even improving the texture of the skin can be remedied by very easy to perform cosmetic treatments. You would be advised to go in for cosmetic treatments because the results that you get by this would be more reliable and would last for a longer period of time as compared to any other method like making use of creams, serums or lotions.

 If you are facing some other problems such as sagging of the skin around the eyes or the face or the neck or even if you want to get rid of your excess fat cells if you have not been able to get rid of the fat in a natural way, then too you can rely on the expertise of a cosmetic surgeon. The benefit that you would get by going in for these methods is that the results would be more to your liking and satisfaction and would stay for a longer period of time. This would not be possible with other methods and so you should try and get an appointment with such an expert. With technology advancing at an unbelievable pace, such cosmetic treatments have become safer and simpler and have thus reduced the amount of risk that is associated with them. 

Considering the fact that you would be relying completely on the skill and expertise of the cosmetic surgeon who would be working on your problem, it is always better to get the treatment done by someone whose talent is recognized by the world. One of the best cosmetic surgeons in Auckland is Dr Stephen Gilbert, who has been in practice since a very long time. His expertise lies in facial surgery, where he can transform any form of facial problems through surgical as well as non – surgical methods. He is also considered as an expert in the field of soft tissue therapy and also for providing facelifts. Other treatments that he provides include breast augmentation and breast reconstruction.

Friday 4 July 2014

A short guide to eyelid surgery

Cosmetic procedures are becoming more and more popular as the number of people going for it is increasing with each passing year. Almost every area of the body can now be treated to remove wrinkles through such surgery. One such surgery that is relatively new but appears to be catching up the trend is eyelid surgery, which is also referred to as blepharoplasty in medical terms. The surgery was first performed in North America, but is now being performed across the globe.

The main objective of this surgery is to remove the unsightly bags that form under the eyes and also treat the falling or drooping eyelids. A good surgeon can help you get rid of this ugly appearance and provide your eyes with a more energetic and youthful look. The surgery is rarely performed in isolation as doing so can lead to an unnatural looking face due to inconsistencies. Most surgeons, therefore, recommend combining it with other cosmetic surgeries such as facelift to achieve good results. 

While going for the surgery, a fact that you need to keep in mind is to set realistic expectations. Approaching the surgery with high expectations can result in disappointments as the surgery does not provide a permanent cure for baggy and droopy eyelids. Also, a person getting great results does not mean that you will get the same as the results depend on a number of conditions such as age, skin condition, responsiveness to the treatment, etc.

Blepharoplasty is usually performed under local anesthesia and the person undergoing it experiences minimal discomfort during the surgery. You might experience a bit of swelling after the surgery, which is usually the body’s response to injury to its cells and tissues. Placing an icepack can help you limit the swelling to some extent while soothing the pain as well.

You must carefully follow each and every instruction of your surgery both before and after the surgery so as to get the best results. Stress should be avoided at all costs. Also, you should avoid any sort of heavy physical activities as doing so can delay the healing process and aggravate the pain as well. Surgeons might also prescribe certain eye drops after the surgery so that the eyes can be lubricated in case you are experiencing symptoms of dry eyes.

As far as the results of eyelid surgery are concerned, you will get to witness that in about a couple of months’ time, when all the swelling and cuts would heal.

Types of browlift surgery

Browlift surgery, which is also sometimes referred to as forehead surgery, is a cosmetic procedure that is performed to improve the appearance of the sagging forehead skin. All those people who are not pretty happy with the appearance of wrinkles and fold around their forehead region can go for it to reverse the aging process. Contrary to popular perceptions, not only the old and middle aged people but even youngsters are also seeking the surgery, especially the ones that have inherited traits such as drooping eyebrows or other related problems. By opting for the surgery, you can not only take years off your face but also give it a much more refreshing and attentive look that is liked by one and all. 

Three types of procedures are usually adopted for the surgery. These include: 

  • Endoscope surgery
  • Open Brow Lift surgery
  • Temporal Lift surgery

In this cosmetic surgery, various objectives can be achieved such as correction of sagging skin of the forehead, drooping eyebrows and eyelids. 

The surgery involves the maneuvering of tissues in and around the eyebrows. Certain segments of muscles are also removed through the procedure, especially the ones that lead to the development of deep folds and wrinkles which make people look angry and old. The procedure can also be done in tandem with facelift surgery or rhinoplasty (nose correction surgery). 

Most of the surgeons recommend that it should be performed in conjunction with other face surgeries so as to achieve a more balanced and contoured appearance. If you just opt for browlift surgery, it might give an unnatural look to your face as other areas might appear aged and wrinkled. Therefore, it is best to seek the advice of an experienced and reputed cosmetic surgeon rather than making a decision in haste. 

Two types of methods are adopted by the surgeons to perform the surgery – The classic fit and the endoscopic fit. 

Classic Fit is a procedure that requires a single but continuous incision which begins from the level of your ears and goes right up to your hairline. If your hairline is a bit too far back or receding, the surgeon will plan the incision in a way to ensure that the scar remains invisible. 

Endoscopic lifts, on the other hand, involve a few shorter incisions in the scalp region. An endoscope is then inserted into the scalp which has a camera fitted inside so as to view the tissues present inside through a screen. Another device is then inserted by making an incision to perform the required procedure.  

Tuesday 1 July 2014

The best results delivered by the best doctors

Plastic surgery or cosmetic treatments are often considered to be a liberal branch of medicine and something very unconventional because it deals with the skin and basically with the appearance or with looks. However, it is one of the most revolutionary branches of medicine and it allows you to enhance your looks and the way you appear. It is tricky and so you should make sure that when you get such work or such treatment done then proficiency of the person working with you would matter to a large extent. When you realize that getting work done from the best means that you get the best quality, most sustainable and durable results and remarkable level of perfection, you understand why it is important not to compromise on quality.
The best plastic surgeon in Auckland in today’s times is very few and among them the name of Dr Stephen Gilbert is very prominent. He has completed his training in this field from the best surgeons of their time and has also been credited with introducing revolutionary new treatment methods in New Zealand. Stephen Gilbert was born and brought up in New Zealand and has traveled around the world not just with a seeking spirit but also to deliver his treatments. Many countries recognize his expertise and have invited him to assist them with projects. This speaks volumes about his expertise as a plastic surgeon and the amount of exposure that he has received during his tenure in this field of cosmetic medicine.

His own clinic, which is the New Zealand Institute of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery, has gained a very god reputation for itself in this circle. Some special treatments that you would be able to get done here include facial surgery, breast reduction or enhancement, body contouring and liposuction and even other surgical applications. The center makes use of state of the art equipment and technology to provide the patients with the best treatments and services. They would begin by a thorough examination and evaluation of your problem and see whether you are a candidate for any treatment or not. Once this has been established the physician would set aside a set for the treatment when the procedure would be done.

The patients have given high acclaim and have been completely satisfied which has added to the reputation of the institute. It is this kind of satisfaction that the institute targets through its procedures.